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Former student returns to College as an employee



Former Queen Alexandra College (QAC) student, Charlotte, has successfully obtained her first ever paid job by working at the College where she used to study.


Following her time at QAC, Charlotte moved on to the College’s Independence Plus supported living programme, where she has remained a client for the past six years. Independence Plus was developed because QAC identified a need to sustain the independence that people were developing while at College.


During this time she has progressed on her career pathway by completing a number of volunteer placements including roles at Queen Elizabeth Hospital and a hospice. Charlotte has also volunteered for OCS, who have a longstanding relationship with QAC built over many years, doing cleaning and housekeeping duties. This voluntary placement went so well that it led to her successfully gaining paid employment with OCS working 5 days a week, 7am – 9am each morning at the college.


This is a tremendous achievement and further highlights the significant progress Charlotte has made since commencing her placement with Independence Plus. Charlotte is an enthusiastic and friendly individual who is making great strides adapting to now being a staff member at QAC.


Charlotte is the latest in a number of former QAC students who have gained employment at QAC and Focus.

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